Project Description
SNAP Fresh is a campaign designed to increase the redemption of SNAP benefits at Nashville’s farmers’ markets, with the goal of promoting community health and strengthening the local economy. SNAP Fresh volunteers teach market managers how to accept SNAP benefits if they are not already doing so, and also conduct nutrition education tabling as CFA representatives.
To promote community health and the local economy, CFA launched the Double Fresh campaign at local markets with the goal of increasing redemption of SNAP benefits at Nashville’s farmers markets. This incentive program matched dollar for dollar all EBT purchases at the market, up to $20 that could be spent on fresh fruits and vegetables.
During the season, SNAP Fresh reached nearly 50,000 residents in Davidson County, as well as 43 market managers from surrounding counties.
Project Details
The goal was to give a fun fresh feel to the logo while matching the previous brand of SNAP Fresh.
Client: Community Food Advocates
Website : http://www.communityfoodadvocates.org/